"Volt" is a German dystopian drama movie by director Tarek Ehlail, featuring, among others, renowned German actor Benno Fürmann.
The movie will appear in cinemas on February 2nd and Dependent will release the original soundtrack by Alec Empire (Atari Teenage Riot) in the same week.
1. now it’s between you and G-d
2. victims of authority
3. love while death is watching
4. shadow boxing (pt.2)
5. meeting her
6. following her, torturing the witness
7. the confession
8. changes are coming / the raid
9. getting ready / wind / riotzone / out of control
10. keep quiet for now
11. shadow boxing (pt.1)
12. shadow boxing (pt.3)
13. the wall screams murder
14. running away / get it right / they are coming / lost friend