BECERUS are back unleashing a new hail of cavernous grunts, a peculiar love letter to the 90"s Death Metal scene adorned with lava riffs and neanderthalian growls! Burn your school diplomas and join the troglodytes! Becerus is a fetid death metal creature consisting of singer Mario (Balatonizer) and guitarist/bassist Giorgio (Assumption, Bottomless and more). Mysterious drummer and bone wielder Paul Bicipitus instantly joined the project to make some primitive noise in the common cave. After their debut album "Homo Homini Brutus", the band is now back with the explicitly titled "Troglodytes". The only aim of the band is playing the most vile and decerebrate form of music ever made while worshipping the gross and ungainly figure of the mighty Becer, a disgusting, hostile creature whose muscles, dirty hair and belly instantly scare every living thing crossing his path. Becerus is about brutal and mortal death metal so, if Broken Hope, Monstrosity, early Cannibal Corpse and Baphomet are your thing, then you'll be fine with these cavemen. FUCK AI GIMME GRUNT!
1.Intro - Rise Of The Energumens
2.Obfuscated By Imbecility
3.Aggressive Illiterate
4.Primordial Instinct
7.Pathetic Bovine Humour
10.Progressive Mental Retardation
11.Serpicus Ebbeth Macagno
12.Fat Laughters In Absolute Degradation
13.Grunt 'em All