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Compact Disc - 3 CD Box Set


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Item no. : FY107CD
Release Date : 19 May 2017



DICK 1: «Eurokrjem»
Dick 1 is the original «Eurokrjem» – Beglomegs debut album from 2015 that was awarded three (3) national awards: Norwegian grammy (Spellemann) for best rock album, newspaper Natt & Dags prize for best music release and newspaper Morgenbladets diploma for best liner notes. «Any music lovers wildest dream. This is so good that we are talking about a shift in paradigm. Dares all and wins all!» -Gylve Fenris Nagell (Darkthrone)

DICK 2: «Very Bæd!»
Dick 2 is a brand new compilation album from Beglomeg and it bears the title «Very Bæd!» (which means «very bad» in english). Some info and notes on the tracks included: The opener «Vota Ferriomi» is a original soundtrack song in the Norwegian internet television show «SKAM» season 2. The following track «Drago Lanterna Danza» is a song recorded back in 2014 but the mix included here is a brand new 2017 mix, not remix, but mix done by Norways greatest contemporary artist Emile the Duke. Besides this there is a great variety of other tracks from the Beglomeg group and there are also two special sections included. The first is a section called «The Soccer Era» and that is a phase that Beglomeg went through shortly after the success of their debut album «Eurokrjem». «The Soccer Era» consists of two tracks; «United» and the official Norwegian cup final song of Kongsvinger IL «Vi Kommer Fra Skogene»- a Hans Løkken cover. The other special section is the last four tracks of the dick and it´s titled «Narku Tetralogy» with its conclusion «Sunrise» being a brand new track never before released.

DICK 3: «Mr. Funny Guys»
Dick 3 is «Very Bæd!»´s second dick and it´s a collection of remixes, remakes and oddballs (!!). Hehe!

Eurokrjem (Dick 1)
1. Hvem Skal Dømme Egentlig
2. Mystik Face
3. Eau De Cologne
4. Lepje Eurokrjem Brjoder
5. The Land of 1,000 Snakes I: Present Universe/Moon Skin Licknata
6. The Land of 1,000 Snakes II: The Man
7. The Land of 1,000 Snakes III/IV: The Land/The Snakes
8. The Endless River
9. Vi Lever

Very Bæd! (Dick 2)
1. Vota Ferriomi ’17 (Original Soundtrack from the TV Series Skam)
2. Drago Lanterna Danza ’17
3. Sabzi
4. Søvnløse Netter
5. United
6. Vi Kommer Fra Skogene
7. Yorick (Full Version)
8. Agent Steele
9. Zombie Tapaz
10. Sunrise

Mr Funny Guys (Dick 3)
1. Lyder Fra Billetempelet (med Ruben Gran)
2. Sabzi (Hopefully To Ride A Twelve Inch Someday Remix)
3. The Endless River (Liquid Legacy Mix)
4. The Man (Med Hettered Mexx)
5. Sabzi Coladas
6. The Man (Øyvind Morkens Laughing Gas Mix)
7. Holiday In Cambodia
8. Zombie Tapaz (Wasserfall & Mayen Remiks)
9. Zombie Tapaz (khat/hashish compact disco remix)
10. Vi Lever (Emile the Duke For Livet Remix)
11. Lovely Tapaz Today

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