Compact Disc


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Item no. : ROT3049CD
Product type : Compact Disc
Label : ROTTEN
Release Date : 19 September 2011



Many different phrases were brought to the table to be used as a title for Confused Little Girl's new album, but none of them quite described the songs and sound of the band quite as effectivley as Southern Gentlemen. Elegant yet destructive, formulaic yet chaotic, Confussed Little Girl's swamp rock sound is a constant tightrope walk between the familiar and the unique. Featuring twelve songs, Southern Gentlemen finds itself combining the twang and deep fried groove of the southern rock music they grew up on with the modern edge of Punk, Hardcore and metal. Think ZZ top meets Motorhead and Black Sabbath. This album is a culmination of the style Confussed Little Girl have been working to create since the earliest days of the group in 2005.
1. I'd Rather Screw a Walrus
2. Jeebus Ate My Matchbox
3. Have another Popover, Froggy
4. Ink To Paper
5. Hookers on Horseback
6. Honestly, Who Gives Their Genitals Pet Names
7. We Got A Great Big Convoy
8. Books And Guns
9. (Hey Dad) Stop Looking at Porn on My Computer
10. Vegetarian Homeless People
11. Jordan Catalano Needs To Break Up His Shitty Band
12. How Satan Stole My Heart
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