Australia’s kings of all things dark and creepy, DARKCELL are gearing up for a huge 2019. The 11 tracks new album « Darkcell » featuring Tim Skold (MARILYN MANSON, MOTIONLESS IN WHITE), KIDCRUSHER and Lindsay Schoolcraft (CRADLE OF FILTH). The striking artwork was created by David Frizell (SEVENDUST, AVENGED SEVENFOLD, WEDNESDAY 13, etc.) DARKCELL have risen to become Australia’s foremost heavy rock acts. The bands musical output is legendary, releasing three full length albums, an EP and a remix album in last 7 years. Visually and musically DARKCELL have proven themselves as a world class outfit. Packing stadium level hooks and a loud, abrasive and industrial rock sound, they have been tagged as a ‘modern day KISS’. Their larger than life stage show, party vibes and dance grooves give a fun atmosphere and keep fans coming back for more and have led to the bands touring schedule including events such as, National tours in Australia with MOTIONLESS IN WHITE, WEDNESDAY 13, SEVENDUST, OTEP, ROB ZOMBIE, AVENGED SEVENFOLD, KORN, GREEN DAY, COMBICHRIST, ILL NINO, PAIN and more. The freaks are back in town. The circus has returned….HAIL!
1. La Chambre Des Cauchemars
2. The Great Big Nothing
3. Reign Of The Monsters
4. Burn The Witches
5. Scars & Stripes (feat. KidCrusher)
6. Godless (feat. Jonathan Devoy)
7. Night Rider (feat. Tim Skold)
8. Carnevil
9. Hail To The Freaks
10. Sold My Soul
11. Midnite (feat. Lindsay Schoolcraft of Cradle Of Filth)