Austrian collaboration! When two Austrian scene institutions join forces to pay homage to metal, to themselves and to the raw thrash with new songs, only good things can come out of it.This is what happened in this case with Darkfall,
which was founded in 1995, and Mortal Strike, which have been making the stages unsafe since 2009 and have since earned a small cult status in the heavy metal underground scene.
1. Tides Of War (Darkfall)
2. The Gates Are Open (Darkfall)
3. Here Comes The Tank (Darkfall)
4. Hail To The Warriors – Manowar Tribute (Darkfall)
5. A Storm Will Overcome (Mortal Strike)
6. P.T.S.D. (Mortal Strike)
7. Rise To Dominate (Mortal Strike)
8. Freibier (Mortal Strike)