Die Grüne Welle - Re-release of the 2013 debut album "Badabäääm!".
Die Grüne Welle (engl. The green wave). What's this band about? - Different styles, different influences and not for the stereotypical thinking kind. - Combining punk rock and German rap, Haiko (vocals, bass), Locke (rap), Alvin (guitar, vocals) and Leon (drums) manage to skilfully add elements from other genres like Indie and Ska to this already explosive mix. And the icing on the cake is saxophonist Lizzy with her cleverly thought out contributions. The lyrics are mainly presented by keeping German rap parts in the verse and having the chorus in an anthemic and sing-along-like style, which you won't get out of your head. Always staying true to the punk rock idea Die Grüne Welle sing about (personal) crises of meaning and politics - never slowing down and nonstop straight into the ears of the inclined listener.
1. Musik
2. Purer Sonnenschein
3. Shopping Tour
4. Hoch Hinaus
5. Pro Oder Contra
6. Spinn Ich?!
7. Politik
8. 24/7
9. Jedes Wochenende
10. Hearts 4
11. Vergessen
12. Individuum