A thought-provoking and haunting collection of images and verse by E. D. Evans, taking you through beauty, silence and illusion to where the long-dead soul of old America meets a modern-day wilderness, where all you are left with is your own beliefs.
Journey through the Old West where time stands still and there is nothing to believe in, except silence. Take a solitary ramble through old ghost towns, abandoned mining towns and echoing expanses. Pack light, lonesome traveller. And should you pass me by, kindly tip your hat to a lady.
“Old West is a thought-provoking and haunting collection of images and verse by Punk Poet E. D. Evans, taking you through beauty, silence and illusion to where the longdead soul of Old West America meets a modern-day wilderness, leaving nothing... Which is everything."
E.D. Evans is a lifelong poet. Having spent time in both London and New York during Punk’s original heyday in the late ‘70s and early ‘80s, Evans has always comfortably floated between those two worlds. She became deeply entrenched in New York’s East Village art scene that was so pervasive in the 1980s/90s, spending years performing spoken word poetry at venues such as The Nuyorican Poets Café, Brownies, and The Knitting Factory. Her Instagram handle, @originalpunkster11 says it all.