Compact Disc


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Item no. : 398414724CD
Product type : Compact Disc
Release Date : 07 January 2013



GOD DETHRONED are and always will be a force to be reckoned with. The Dutchmen are always a safe bet when it comes to perfectly executed death metal. Each one of their albums is different from its predecessor and, in a way, superior. Now that the new and eagerly awaited eighth record “Passiondale” – a concept album about the events occurred in the Belgian town of Passchendaele during World War I – is about to be released, the answer can only be a resounding YES!!!
While the last album “The Toxic Touch” was the most melodic and varied in the storied career of “Serpent King” Henri Sattler and his cohorts, its successor is a much more brutal affair from the get-go. Thanks to returning drummer Roel Sanders, GOD DETHRONED have gone back to the top velocity last heard on the high-speed feast that was “Ravenous”, without having to sacrifice any of their melodic accomplishments like “Into The Lungs Of Hell” or “The Toxic Touch”. On “Passiondale” main songwriter Henri delivers a 110% of his prowess, like on the epic title track, which breathes the tragedy of the small Belgian town, or the groove monster “Drowning In Mud”, which levels everything in its path like a panzer out of control.
Seldom has a lyrical concept been translated into metal music in such a fitting and solid matter while retaining all of the band's trademarks. In fact, on “Passiondale” GOD DETHRONED sound more rampant, furious and aggressive as well as more thoughtful, matured and multi-faceted than ever before
1. The Cross of Sacrifice
2. Under a Darkening Sky
3. No Man’s Land
4. Poison Fog
5. Drowning in Mud
6. Passiondale
7. No Survivors
8. Behind Enemy Lines
9. Fallen Empires
10. Artifacts of the Great War


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