Music > CD > CDs > HEILUNG > OFNIR


Compact Disc


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Item no. : SOM454D
Artist : HEILUNG
Product type : Compact Disc
Release Date : 20 April 2018



HEILUNG means "healing" in the German language and this also describes the core of the band's sound. The listener is supposed to be left at ease and in a relaxed state after a magical musical journey that is at times turbulent. When HEILUNG self-released 'Ofnir' in 2015, the Danish band could hardly have anticipated the breakthrough success of their debut album. Spectacular live shows, strong critical acclaim, and a massive underground buzz added to the constantly high demand for this full-length are the reason why their new label Season of Mist decided to make this genuine marvel available again for the whole world to hear just how unique HEILUNG is.
1. Alfadhirhaiti
2. Krigsgaldr
3. Hakkerskaldyr
4. Schlammschlacht
5. Carpathian Forest
6. Fylgija Ear
7. Futhorck
8. In Maidjan
9. Afhomon


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