"Entire of Itself" is a sonic document from the island where musician/producer Jacob Holm-Lupo lives. Best known for his progressive rock/art pop projects White Willow and The Opium Cartel, Jacob has now stepped into new territories, with an album that encompasses field recordings, ambient music and dark folk. Every sound on the album is sourced from Sandøya, a small island at the Southern edge of the Oslofjord in Norway. Jacob moved there with his family five years ago, leaving a comfortable, suburban life behind for the wilder, freer island life. "Entire of Itself" contains field recordings, both pure and processed, as well as sampled. It also contains the sounds of instruments that have been constructed from found objects on the island. Antler harps, steel pipe flutes, corrugated steel drums. And finally, because Jacob's studio is on the island, he allowed himself to use some of the guitars he has there. "Entire of Itself" is not a new age-y document of an island paradise. It is a sometimes turbulent, sometimes serene, sometimes soothing and sometimes disturbing record of real, everyday life on a real island. Shifting, yet constant, much like the weather that drifts in from the North Sea.
1. Entire of Itself 51:26