Jagath is a ritual/industrial ambient act from Perm, Russia.
We create our music at abandoned industrial locations - the bottom of a moist underground sewer shaft and inside huge hollow oil tanks - without using digital synthesis. We use simple, mostly hand-crafted instruments, found objects and our voices. We do this to share our vision of decaying post-industrial age, to unleash the spirit of deep beyond-world and unveil life in the abyss.
It is cold out here, in Russia, everything stays frozen for decades. Life is almost stopped, and this cannot be changed. So we have to do something so as not to freeze to death.
"A firefly may inspire a man. Man takes a flint, flint carves sparks, sparks set fire to wood, a flame lights up. Flaring up more and more, a fire turns into a firestorm. Firestorm lives its own life".
1. Agadha (Abyss) (11:30)
2. Utthana (Rise) (7:39)
3. Catu (Conversation) (10:55)
4. Devalaya (Temple) (14:28)
5. Nila (Darkness) (9:39)