Compact Disc


Chest (Inch)

Chest (CM)

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Item no. : MIND137
Product type : Compact Disc
Release Date : 21 September 2009


KiloWatts & Vanek blow any prejudice about the futility of melting electronic and acoustic music to pieces. The US/Belgium duo took four years to create their album „Focus And Flow“.An enthusiastic fan asked both of them to perform two shows in Germany on a festival for electronic Music. That was the first time, Watts and Vanek met in Person, having collaborated for several years remotely & was when they came to dependent records attention. The theme of unique synergy does not only spread throughout the bands work structure, it is equally apparent in its music: You won’t find better vocals and more bittersweet melancholy in electronic music period. You have not yet heard these kind grooves and wicked effects in guitar ballads. KiloWatts & Vanek are simply beyond categories like “Laptop-Folk or “Glitch Pop” as they unify harmonic flow, truly visionary focus and simply the best of the electronic and organic music world.
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