Three years after their well-received Jacob "Volbeat" Hansen produced debut "Naja Naja” KUKO DE KOBRA are back with "A Girl And Her Giraffe". The main song writer and bassist John Sharling describes the release as "a rock record with a strong pop sensibility". Sharling has never been afraid to admit that deep down inside he is into pop - as long as it is served with "a healthy dose of guitar". That healthy dose of guitar comes easy when flanked by the duo Martin Jepsen Andersen (Blindstone, Meridian) and Thomas Christensen. Two very different players, though both rooted in blues and hard rock, who love nothing more than serving up raw riffs and fiery solos.
Martin Pagaard who co-produced "Naja Naja", sat in both the producer- and drum-chair on "A Girl And Her Giraffe". His and Sharlings agenda was clear from the start, they wanted to cut to the chase and make lean, strong songs.This working method meant that both pure hard rock, catchy power pop and a few quiet ballads now live side by side on a comprehensive and coherent album.
1. Ocean Wide
2. Fitzroy Road (Head In The Oven)
3. Pieces Missing
4. Silence The Killer
5. Remember
6. PRBN (It's Only Love - Give It Away)
7. Shake it
8. Undecider
9. A Wrong Decision (Dizzy Miss Thin Lizzy)
10. Lone Bird On A Long Wire
11. Jenny 12. Be, Leaf
13. A Beautiful Girl And Her Giraffe
14. Jesse Owens And The Secret Message