Emerging from the swiss Jura mountains, which in itself is the cradle of mechanical, clock like precision, the guys in Ølten follow their roots down to the core. Their music is sheer and sharp - «Heavy rock porn sludge instrumental» is how they call it, and it’s working out quite well. Everything is lined up to the call of one massive distortion, a sonic representation of Edvard Munch’s «Scream», an infernal rhythmical march. In the beginning of 2017, after an EP, an album, and more than sixty shows across Switzerland and Europe, Ølten are taming the machines – the band looks inwards, and makes way for the mechanical, the cold and meticulous. ‘Ambiance’ is step away from the binary, for more grit and ruthlessness. The result is a corporal convulsion, leaving behind chronic cramps, heavy breathing, and a sickening feeling deep down in the gut.
1. Igelkott
2. Raus
3. Klark
4. Lied
5. Gover
6. Sludge
7. Popoutro
8. Pope