The self-titled debut album by Paul Sabu’s ONLY CHILD originally was released on Capitol Records in 1988. Written in 9 months and recorded in only 3 weeks, ‘Only Child’ not only has received outstanding press feedback and charts success at the time when it came out but later also was credited by Kerrang! Magazine as one of the top 40 best AOR albums ever. Through the years, ‘Only Child’ went out of print and became a much sought after release which was extremely hard to find.
1. Just Ask
2. Always
3. I Wanna Touch
4. I Remember The Night
5. Love To The Limit
6. I Believe In You
7. Save A Place In Your Heart
8. Rebel Eyes
9. Scream Until You Like It
10. Shot Heard Around The World
Bonus Tracks:
11. Young Guns
12. Vice Versa