Perfect Plan’s fourth studio album, “Heart of a Lion” marks the culmination of the band’s musical production to date. Over the course of their first trilogy of albums, “All Rise” and “Time For A Miracle” and “Brace for Impact” the Swedes have quickly established themselves as a new gold standard in not only the Scandinavian melodic rock genre, but the melodic rock genre as a whole.
“Heart of a Lion” is a powerful statement from the band offering the absolute best songwriting and production ever a: strong offering, with roots very well planted in the 80’s AOR sound. Produced by the band in collaboration with Mårten Eriksson, the band was determined to top the musical results they reached until now and took a few months – from the end of 2024 – to come out with the right musical material.
Sometimes the stars align, and the result is absolutely stunning: a perfect balance of energy and unforgettable melodies is what you are going to find in “Heart of a Lion”.