Born in an hostile system, they used their advanced technology to transfer their consciences into servers-spaceships-factories to survive and roam the Universe, swallowing and disembodying life forms, expanding the network without boundaries, all as one, fusing knowledge's, experiences, thoughts and reflections, being everywhere as over sighting sentinels sometimes creating carnal hosts to feel for a while among other species until they found Earth.
A world on the verge of apocalypse with a dying specie to which they offered a remedy through disembodiment and absorption in the network. But, like one can’t travel faster than light, a network can’t grow limitlessly in its quest of omniscience, and, reaching its own end, having absorbed all consciousness of the Universe, every single trace of life that ever existed got lost, forever…
Expanding Oblivion!
1. The Remedy
2. Ominous Wanderers
3. Silent Spheres
4. Disembodied
5. Swakkiwer if Wirkds
6. Fractal Sentinels
7. Grey Hosts
8. Lone Entity
9. Omniscient
10. Ultimate Confusions
11. Expanding Oblivion