RüYYn is a one-man band born in late 2020 out of the spirit of RxN, with its primary influence being fast, melodic 90s black metal. The eponymous debut EP is released in May 2021, offering epic, powerful, dark and cold music inspired by bands like Gorgoroth, Emperor, Deathspell Omega, Mgła, Blut Aus Nord. The subject matter is a mind consumed by hatred of the modern world, having contemplated its civilizational downfall in a near-future where only coldness and silence reign. The first album, Chapter II: The Flames, The Fallen, The Fury, was released in December 2023. Set before the 2021 EP, it tells the story of the world's decline, madness and fall, through the same protagonist. New influences make their appearance. The album is more aggressive, richer. Epic, melodic riffs rub shoulders with darker atmospheres and contemplative passages inspired by 70s pro/ambient rock.
1. The Flames,the Fury,the Fallen part I
2. The Flames,the Fury,the Fallen part II
3. The Flames,the Fury,the Fallen part III
4. The Flames,the Fury,the Fallen part IV
5. The Flames,the Fury,the Fallen part V
6. The Flames,the Fury,the Fallen part VI