Second Sun's debut album "Hopp / Förtvivlan" is being re-released through Gaphals. The album was originally released by US label Electric Assault Records and received loads of praise up on its release. The re-press contains a bonus track "Rädde Sig Den Som Kan" recorded in the same time as the album. Nine tracks of progressive retro 60´s and 70´s fuzzy hard rock. Second Sun were often compared to Camel or, Jethro Tull. The bands combination of space rock, progressive rock and hard rock influences from the late 70´s to the early 80´s gives Second Sun their own unique blend of hypnotizing rock.
Second Sun features members and ex-members from Dead Lord, Tribulation, Moralens Väktare and Morbus Chron. The band released their second album Eländes Elände during 2018 on Gaphals.
1. Om Det Aldrig Blir Något Mer Så Gör Det Ingenting
2. Hopp/Förtvivlan
3. Jag Vill Att Du Tar Mig Med Dig Hem
4. Vaggvisa För Hårt Levande
5. Brinn Upp Med Mig
6. Det Var Aldrig Jag, Det Var Du
7. Själv Alltid
8. Riden Av En Mara
9. Rädde Sig Den Som Kan