Hailing from the enchanting landscapes of Greece, Silvernite is a musical odyssey that transcends genres, seamlessly blending the realms of melodic rock and synthwave. Founded in the vibrant summer of 2019, the band is a testament to the creative fusion of bassist keyboardist Strutter, guitarist Nash G., and vocalist Tanja Härkönen. The musical tapestry of Silvernite began to weave itself with the release of their debut EP, "So it Began," in November 2019. This sonic journey garnered exceptional reviews, capturing the hearts of fans worldwide and establishing Silvernite as a rising force in the music scene. Drummer Minaki joined the ranks, adding the heartbeat to their evolving sound. In 2021, Silvernite etched their name in the stars with the release of their self titled full length album under Valve Studio Records. Pioneering the fusion of melodic rock and synthwave, the album catapulted Silvernite to new heights, showcasing their prowess in crafting a sonic universe that captivates the soul.