October 2019 is the release date for Stomachal Corrosion’s eponymous album. The album breaks a studio hiatus of over 13 years for this Brazilian band. The self-titled full-length album brings forth 21 tracks which base themselves in a subjective, sick idea which is fully described in the album’s artwork. Stomachal Corrosion’s sound follows its own, original line which has been developed and built upon over the band’s 27 year existence, and forged grindcore, crust and 90s Death Metal. As a reference the following bands can be listed: Agathocles, Napalm Death, Extreme Noise Terror, Dismember, and Entombed. With no frills or unnecessary complex arrangements Stomachal Corrosion is straight up fast and short, never letting up from top to bottom.
1- Intro
2- A Crutch
3- Mental Dispain
4- Horror Whow
5- Subterrâneo
6- Two Centuries to You Die
7- Infinita Psicopatia
8- Moviment?
9- Choice a Label
10- Life of Lies
11- No, Nothing
12- Shits Factory
13- You Fool
14- Ato Premeditado
15- Alucinações Apoiando o Terror
16- Behavior
17- This Again
18- Mi Ne Kurbigu
19- Década de Dor
20- Maníaco Inimigo
21- As a Kick in Your Head
22- I'm Arrogant