Formed in 2009, Terrorway debuted with the critically acclaimed EP ‘Absolute’ (2010), a pure concentrate of Extreme Modern Metal inspired by the likes of Strapping Young Lad, Meshuggah and The Haunted. While composing and recording the EP, the band built a strong live activity, often sharing the stage with international acts such as Mnemic and Paul Di Anno to name a few. The song ‘Her Last Breath’ was included in the ‘Kill City vol.17’ compilation, expanding the band’s reputation and generating interest among several records labels. A deal with Bakerteam Records was secured shortly after. Terrorway’s debut album ‘Blackwaters’ saw the light of the day in September 2013. The Album was recorded at Corpse Factory Studio in Cagliari, Italy and mixed and mastered by Jacob Olsen (Hatesphere, Moonspell, Born From Pain). More live dates followed, including opening slots for M-Pire of Evil and Soulfly. May 2016 will see Terrorway releasing their sophomore album entitled... 'The Second'. The Album was recorded at V-Studio in Cagliari and once again mixed and mastered by Jacob Olsen.
1. Under The Light Of A Broken Down
2. Eye Of The Sun
3. Torment
4. On The Edge
5. T.F.B.T.M. (The Face Behind The Mask)
6. Enter the Columns
7. Columns
8. Trails Of Ashes
9. The Wanderer
10. Lights Turn Black (bonus)
11. Threshold Of Pain (bonus)