With an unchanged instrumentation cast, the six warriors want to bring the myths and legends of their homeland to the metal world.
In terms of music Thorondir has grown since the first album and presents itself more versatile than before. They emphasize an unprecedented arrangement of profound lyrics, which combine old-Bavarian legends and pagan traditions, with a powerful and skillful mixture of pagan- and black metal. The guitars are more aggressive and more melodic. Hard guitar riffs and striking leads create an
impressive atmosphere. In terms of the bass-guitar, the instrument comes more to the fore and gives everything a more vivid touch. All this is lead by a storm of drums consisting of fast blastbeats and series of doublebasses as well as rhythmic and silent accompaniment. The vocals with their variation from screaming to deep growling are even more brutal than before. With the folkloric and harmonic keyboard sounds the whole album gains its perfection.
1. Prolog
2. Rache durch das Schwert
3. Fenriswolf
4. Dunkle Zeichen
5. Thoron
6. Tiefe Narben
7. Den Goettern zu Ehr
8. In der Weite ein Licht
9. Das Totenheer von Barathir
10. Durch des Adlers Augen
11. Schwarze Flut
12. Berserkerwut
13. Epilog