Steel-meets-steel melodic power metal...
"Chapter IV" is nothing less than a pure heavy metal album – an alive and kickin' one, indeed! Twins Crew are back with their sane dose of melodic power metal characterized by powerful guitar riffs and soaring vocals, and a record written in the age of pandemic, inflation, global warming and war. In times like these it's very important to stand up and choose your side: the Swedish band believes in keeping it real and simple when it comes to music, while also showcasing evolution and resilience – you can feel it both in the dynamic high-energy performances & thoughtful lyrics. With unwavering dedication to their crafts and fans, Twins Crew continues to be a formidable force in the present power metal scene.
1. Choose Your God
2. Never Stop Believing
3. Living In A Dream
4. Warrior Of North
5. Fire
6. Without You
7. Order 69
8. Fighting For The World