UNSHINE, the renowned druid metal band hailing from Finland, is set to enchant the world with their latest masterpiece, "Karn of Burnings" Formed in the early 2000s, UNSHINE's music weaves a tapestry of nature, mythology, and folklore, creating a unique and captivating sonic experience. "Karn of Burnings", recorded in multiple sessions between 2020 and 2022, is an immersive journey through time, spanning 45 minutes and featuring eight distinct songs. The album is a testament to UNSHINE's ability to craft individual entities, living alongside humankind, each representing different eras and aspects of Mother Earth.
1. Hjul
2. Arrival Of Aurochs
3. Sakraali Elementaali
4. Mill of Bergelmir
5. Maa Jälkeen Ihmisen
6. Aettarfylgja
7. Tara
8. Lennä Toive