For the first instalment of his compilation-series 'World Wide Electronics', Suicide-Commando-mastermind Johan van Roy has gathered together the best Harsh-Electro-newcomers from the depths of the World Wide Web. While bands like C-Lekktor or Reaxion Guerrilla should ring a bell with insiders, there is also lots of fresh blood on this infernal disc.
1. Asphyxia "I know you hate me"
2. Betamorphose "In the name of god"
3. C-lekktor "World of fantasy" (Mekaniszmo Remix)
4. Stahlnebel vs Black Selket "Missbraucht" feat. Suicide Commando
5. Controlled Collapse "Prisoner" (Dark Mix)
6. Terrolokaust "God loves the violence"
7. vProject "Warlord"
8. Ginger Snap5 "Ginger girl"
9. Vyrophage "Beyond the clouds" feat. Suicide Commando
10. Nano Infect "Fall asleep"
11. Project Rotten "Embraced by flames"
12. Infact "Remember"
13. Reaxion Guerrilla "Psycho destruxion" feat. Suicide Commando
14. Mildreda "The parting" (Alpha Version)
15. xPeriment "The end of an era"
16. Detroit Diesel "Normandy" (D-day Mix)
17. Breathe "Mit deiner Haut"