Wintergarden was initially created by singer/songwriter Miriam Gardner while co-writing and file sharing on the internet with friends from all over the globe.
Miriam quickly involved her guitarist and producer husband Blake Gardner once some promising material began to emerge.
The two started consolidating the material into the Wintergarden sound in their own studio which is based in Denmark.
Although the writing part of the project began in Febuary 2011, the band was officially launched in August 2011 with the release of the ‘Steampunk Deluxe’ Ep on their own label Vocal Station.
01. Breathe
02. Take It
03. Cinderella
04. Iconoclast
05. The Release
06. Can You Wait
07. Come Alive
08. American Pop
09. Scarlet Letter
10. Log On
11. Your Rhapsody
12. Fade