WULFPÄCK deliver uncompromising thrash metal that feeds on old-school influences. High-speed riffs, aggressive attitudes and unruly forward marching go hand in hand. Throw a bit of NUCLEAR ASSAULT in the blender, mix them up with new troops like MUNICIPAL WASTE, TRAITOR or even LOST SOCIETY, make up these poisonous Thrash grenades! WULFPÄCK has made an impressive Thrash Metal debut with "War Ain’t Over," which certainly does not receive an Innovation Award, but due to its fast-paced and brute style of playing, is a real gem of the German Thrash Metal scene!
1. Mr. Shitface
2. Toxic Assault
3. Buried in the Pit
4. Cannabusiness
5. Slaughter the Police
6. War Ain't Over!
7. Pork
8. Disastrous Invasion
9. Cuntspiracy
10. Glorycide