Originally released in 2010, 1476's "Smoke In The Sky" places a strong lyrical focus on self-realization and destroying/overcoming obstacles to be reborn as a stronger, healthier self. Inspired by the Hermetic idea of "inner alchemy" or the "turning of lead into gold" and the old self into new, the recording is of a Tribal/Folk nature and instrumented with acoustic guitars, bowed and finger picked stand-up bass, piano, drums, and an analogue synthesizer to create drones for backdrops/ambience.
On this reissue, "Smoke..." is enhanced by the recording of a live concert, originally released under the title "Live. July 17th 2010. Unity, ME.". Inspired by Death In June's later-era stripped-down live performances, all songs were partially rearranged for one acoustic guitar, drums/percussion, and vocals.
1. Ave Apollyon
2. To Draw the Fifteen
3. To Reveal the Shadow Self
4. To Call Up Smoke
5. To Lye in Waite
6. Ave Apollo
7. The Apocatastasis (live)
8. Funeral (live)
9. Good Morning, Blackbird (live)
10. To Call Up Smoke (live)
11. Herne's Oak (live)
12. The Demons in the Circle (live)
13. When the Curtain Falls (live)