Born in 1866 BC, Abraham lived a peaceful life near the town of Sodome, NC. He married his half-sister who gave birth to some 14 kids while already aged far over a hundred years… those golden days are gone, but the virile power of Abraham's beard survived and he was reborn in 2007 as a rock band near Lausanne, Switzerland.
Committed rehearsals and songwriting eventually led the band to record their first full-length, "An Eye on the Universe", which was released in early 2011 on Pelagic Records. The critically acclaimed album was presented live all over Europe, with the likes of bands like Red Fang, Intronaut, Khoma, EF, Celan, Birds In Row, Mumakil or Kruger.
"a hugely promising debut that is a forcefully atmospheric blend of thick, weighty riffs, dreamy ambient soundscapes and noise. There's a wealth of moods and styles that are subtly woven into Abraham's fabric and exploited in the most efficient of ways" - TERRORIZER (8 / 10)
"Abraham roll and broil like the open sea. Combining Isis-like guitars, a mix of hardcore and rock vocals, they create a monolithic sound that goes in for abyssal depth over subtlety" - METAL HAMMER (7)
1. Start With A Heartbeat A
2. Man The Serpent
3. The Great Dismemberment
4. New King, Dark Prophet
5. This Is Not A Dead Man, Yet
6. Carcasses
7. The Chymical Fiance
8. Dawn