A death metal classic is unearthed from the crypt: DECEASED's masterfully haunting Supernatural Addiction! Originally released in 2000 on Relapse to widespread acclaim, DECEASED's Supernatural Addiction saw these underground legends expand upon the epic narratives of the preceding Fearless Undead Machines but put into punchier, more concise attacks without losing any of drumming frontman King Fowley's characteristically creepy storytelling. Less "death metal" and more deathly heavy metal, this DECEASED album cemented their status as one of the most unique and recognizable metal bands since the turn of the '90s. HELLS HEADBANGERS is stepping in to reissue this cherished treasure, now with five bonus demo tracks - feed your Supernatural Addiction!
1.The Premonition 05:35
2.Dark Chilling Heartbeat 06:26
3.A Very Familiar Stranger 05:18
4.Frozen Screams 05:04
5.The Doll with the Hideous Spirit 05:33
6.The Hanging Soldier 04:21
7.Chambers of the Waiting Blind 07:52
8.Elly's Dementia 07:52
9.Dark Chilling Heartbeat (demo bonus) 07:04
10.Frozen Screams (demo bonus) 04:50
11.A Very Familiar Stranger (demo bonus) 05:42
12.The Premonition (demo bonus) 05:55
13.The Hanging Soldier (demo bonus) 04:32