At last it's here: The first and only autobiography of Tangerine Dream’s Edgar Froese!
‘Force Majeure’ is Froese’s mammoth 380-page large format autobiography illustrated with a 48 page photo insert. It’s an authentic, sincere and frank account of the unusual adventures of a band and their leader and founder, a group whose electronic innovations wrote themselves in to the history books during the musically crystallised years of the 1970s.
Froese’s narrative style in this book, entitled ‘Force Majeure’, is as direct and uncompromising as the man himself, and reflecting the ‘sturm und drang’ phase of the sixties and seventies, which he experienced first-hand. His stories are written in his own distinct metaphorical language – a language which one can find again and again in his musical compositions. The reader will discover stories unknown until now, and learn the truth about the many myths and legends surrounding the band and their productions, upon which fans have speculated for decades.
Edgar’s appreciation of the people who stood at his side during those heady days is tangible, whether they were creatives or those who generously offered advice at the various stages of the band's career.
This book isn’t just a simple chronological list of anecdotes about the career of a band. This autobiography offers the reader a deep insight into the life and times of Tangerine Dream, and Edgar Froese leads you on a very personal journey through his own thoughts and actions, his everyday life and his sources of inspiration.
The adventure included crazy meetings and exciting episodes, moments spent with many interesting and well-known personalities such as Salvador Dalí, David Bowie, Richard Branson, Andy Warhol, John Peel, Andy Summers, Jimi Hendrix, Oliver Stone, Jim Rakete, Stevie Nicks, Ridley Scott, Michael Mann, Brigitte Bardot, to name but a few. Over 45 years of experience on stage and more than 16 years in the soundtrack business in Hollywood offer up so much narrative that this much experience would have been sufficient for at least two lives.
Edgar wrote his autobiography over a period spanning approximately seven years, and he invested every free moment he had into it when he was not working on film soundtracks, album productions and live concerts.
About the Author
Edgar Froese was born in Konigsburg, today Kaliningrad, on D-Day, June 6th, 1944. In West Berlin after World War 2 he became an artist and spent time under the tutelage of Salvador Dalí before founding and leading electronic music group Tangerine Dream from their formation in 1967 until his death in 2015, releasing over 100 studio albums, soundtracking some of Hollywood’s biggest movies, and changing the direction of electronic music forever.