The Great Society was a 1960s San Francisco rock band that existed briefly from 1965 to 1966, and was closely associated with the burgeoning Bay Area acid rock scene. Best known as the original group of model-turned-singer Grace Slick, the initial line-up of the band also featured her then-husband Jerry Slick on drums, his brother Darby Slick on guitar, David Miner on vocals and guitar, Bard DuPont on bass, and Peter van Gelder on flute, bass, and saxophone.
Sally Go 'Round The Roses,
Didn't Think So,
Grimly Forming,
Somebody To Love,
Father Bruce,
Outlaw Blues,
Often As I May,
White Rabbit,
That's How It Is,
Darkly Smiling,
Nature Boy,
You Can't Cry,
Daydream Nightmare, E
verybody Knows,
Born To Be Burned,