HOAXBANE take a socially critical position, hostile towards all manipulative ideologies which seek to achieve a superficial, conformist, consumer society. As the name HOAXBANE suggests, their lyrics deal with the great lies of mankind’s history. Today the conspiracy of the mass media is fast replacing the influence & functions of religion. Their ideology rejects generally proclaimed values but promotes individual thought and encourages not following like lemmings but instead to question social norms and indeed much of mankinds past. HOAXBANE'S expression is inevitably a roar of contempt. Through intensive studio work the apocalyptic visions are hammered out until they represent the author s concept 100%. In doing so HOAXBANE value clear musical structures aswell as a powerful, transparent sound in which the vocals are the central element. For both of these exceptional artists the music is their purpose and their passion. The philosophy that they express is carried into their everyday life.
1. Messengers Of Change
2. Bloodshed
3. Diagnose: Wahnsinn
4. Element Of Truth
5. Erotic Asphyxiation
6. Asylum Of Faith
7. Welcoming Pain
8. Secrets Of My Cravings
9. Versager Der Evolution