HODJA create an intriguing mix of early American genre-styles with European esprit. Their self-proclaimed Voodoo-Garage-Blues merges with Punkrock, Gospel, Soul and Hip-Hop parts. HODJA are an undeniably charismatic trio with a frontman extraordinaire: Mr. Gamiel Stone from NYC. Their intense shows are a must-see for everybody. In summer 2018 the band released their third record ‚The Flood'. A manyfaceted, colourful piece of art that rightfully earned loads of critical acclaim. This year HODJA's debut with the simple title ‚The Band' got a little facelift and was re-released in a limited edition. After their sophomore ‚Halos' (2016) and ‚The Flood' (2018) album No. 4 is now ready to be set free: ‚We Are The Here And Now'. Once again the artwork was provided by Danish artist Jenz Koudahl and perfectly catches the spirit of the band: Wild, eclectic, colourful and untamed.
1.God Of War
2.We Are The Here And Now
3.Strike Up The Band
8.The Serpents Path
10.Fairies Wear Boots Revisited