Following the youthful energy of Sixteen and the melodic precision of Facetious Folly Feat, SHOOK ONES check those boxes and more on The Unquotable A.M.H With the help of superstar producer Jackson Long, the band achieves that fine balance of not being able to sit still and not being able to get the hook out of your head. Their attempt at the “difficult third record” displays the band’s development as songwriters as much as it delivers a familiar restless energy. The lyrical perspective has been seasoned by the passage of time as Scott Freeman continues to evaluate, question, and reflect. A.M.H captures the band hitting their stride, embracing new sonic territory and dynamics as they push the concept of “pop-punk” beyond its stereotyped confines. If you missed it the first time, Revelation Records is giving you another chance to bring home your favorite SHOOKS’ songs on this record.
1. Middle Name: Justice
2. For Collards
3. Bird On Ice
4. Silverfish
5. Equal Opportunity Insults
6. For Flannel
1. Who Told Omar?
2. Double Knot That
3. T. Monk
4. They’re Very “Yes”
5. Tip The Weatherman