Compact Disc


Chest (Inch)

Chest (CM)

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Item no. : MASSCD0629
Product type : Compact Disc
Release Date : 06 April 2009



The edge of the world has always been a fascinating thing – the desire for leaving all borders behind to new horizons, the crossing of the oceans, to overcome the mountains and the search for the secrets of the world. The wish of epic journeys, adventure and fires at the horizons have let many already to the dance on the blade – on the edge of the world. Not even one year after the release of their highly anticipated debut Hoffnungsschimmer (6/7 Metal Hammer, 7/10 RockHard) NACHTGESCHREI deliver the follower. Heavier, more powerful and up to date was the goal so the band went into studio in the fall of 2008 to have a new record ready in March 2009. The result speaks for itself. NACHTGESCHREI are back and stronger than ever. With more heaviness and sharp arrangements, without denying their folky roots. There are still bagpipes, flutes and shalms to be heard but this time led by stunning guitar riffs and heavy grooves. New drummer Stefan Kolb, who joined the band in summer 2008 gives an additional push here. Am Rande der Welt is a self-confident, modern piece of medieval rock without chumming up with the usual scene requirements and clichees. The artwork stands for itself and this missing link was filled by nobody less than art master Travis Smith (known for his works for Opeth, Katatonia, Amorphis, Moonsorrow a.o.).
1. Fiur
2. Muspili
3. Herz aus Stein
4. Fernweh
5. Niob
6. Lauf!
7. Windfahrt
8. Nur ein kleines Stück vom Himmel
9. Wahrheit
10. Der Totmacher
11. Glut in euren Augen
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